
Company Profile

Company Name Topsystem Co., Ltd.
Address 3-60, Hiuchi, Saijo, Ehime 793-0003 Japan
Representative Tatsuo Mori, Representative Director
Capital 30 million yen
Business outline Design and manufacture of pharmaceutical preparation equipment
Design and manufacture of culture equipment
Design and manufacture of inactivation treatment
Design and manufacture of tanks and skid piping
Validation and maintenance services
Correspondent Banks The Iyo Bank Ltd., Saijo Branch
The Kagawa Bank Ltd., Saijo Branch
The Hyakujushi Bank, Ltd., Saijo Branch
The Hiroshima Bank, Ltd., Iyo Saijo Branch
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Niihama Branch
MUFG Bank, Ltd., Takamatsu Branch
Domestic Offices
Please slide the table below to see it.
Head Office 3-70,Hiuchi, Saijo, Ehime 793-0003 Japan
General Information and Administration TEL:+81-0897-52-1910 FAX:+81-0897-52-1912
Engineering and Sales          TEL:+81-0897-52-1900 FAX:+81-0897-52-1901
Hiuchi Factory             TEL:+81-0897-47-5930 FAX:+81-0897-47-5931MAP
Yokohama Branch Kannai Toyu Bldg. 5F 6-86-1, Onoecho, Naka-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0015 Japan
TEL:+81-045-319-6010 FAX:+81-045-319-6011MAP
Matsuyama System Office Sekiya Daini Bldg. 3F, 2-5-9, Otemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0067 Japan
Osaka Office Nippo Shin-Osaka Daini Bldg. #905, 1-8-33, Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku,
Osaka 532-0004 Japan
Kumamoto Office Kumamoto-chuo Bldg. 6F, 66-7, Yamasakimachi, Chuo-ku,
Kumamoto 860-0016 Japan
TEL:+81-096-282-8201 FAX:+81-096-282-8203MAP
Associated Company
Please slide the table below to see it.
Shanghai Top Trading Co.,Ltd. ROOM609, No.567 TIANYAOQIAO ROAD, SENBEN BUILDING,
TEL:+86-21-22876737 FAX:+86-21-64173986MAP
Shanghai Tofflon Top Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. 399, JINLIU RD., JINSHAN DISTRICT, SHANGHAI, 201108 CHINA
PT. TOPSYSTEM INDONESIA JL. Jend. Sudirman No. 47, Jakarta 12930 Indonesia
TEL:+62-21-29031034-36 FAX:+62-21-29031033MAP
PT. TOPSYSTEM ASIA BASE Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Jl. Irian XIV,Blok SS1
Cikedokan Cikarang Barat,Bekasi 17530,Jawa Barat – Indonesia
TEL:+62-21-5012-3269 FAX:+62-21-5012-32651
INSPIRE Co., Ltd. Nippo Shin-Osaka Daini Bldg. #905, 1-8-33 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku,
Osaka 532-0004 Japan
TEL:+81-06-6335-4090 FAX:+81-06-6335-4091


October 1, 1999 Topsystem Ltd. established
January 2000 Opened an office in the Saijo Industrial Information Support Center
February 2001 Increased capital to 10 million yen
April 2001 Organization changed to Topsystem Co., Ltd.
April 2002 Constructed and moved the head office and factory to the Hiuchi area of Saijo
October 2004 Established a joint venture company in Shanghai, China, “Shanghai Saijo Hoyu Machinery Co., Ltd.
October 2005 Certified by Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry as a new partnership for “Development and manufacture of energy-saving refrigeration equipment using hydrogen energy”
October 2006 Changed the head office location
March 2007 Opened Tokyo office
April 2008 Increased capital to 24 million yen
May 2009 Relocation of Tokyo Sales Office
June 2010 Opened Osaka office
July 2011 Established the Hiuchi factory
December 2011 ISO9001:2008 certification registered
June 2012 Established an independent company in Shanghai, China named Shanghai Top Trading Co., Ltd.
April 2013 Established a joint venture company with Tofflon in Shanghai, China named Shanghai Tofflon Top Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
May 2013 Relocated the Tokyo Sales Office to Yokohama and opened the Yokohama Branch
August 2015 Opened our Osaka Factory
August 2016 Established a local subsidiary in Jakarta, Indonesia, PT. TOPSYSTEM INDONESIA.
October 2017 Changed the head office location
March 2018 Established Kumamoto office
February 2019 Established Osaka Office
September 2019 Established a factory in Cikarang, Indonesia , PT. TOPSYSTEM ASIA BASE
February 2020 Opened Matsuyama System Office
August 2020 Opened Sapporo Liaison Office
September 2021 Established INSPIRE Co., Ltd. in Osaka
April 2022 The new building for Daini factory (A & B building)
September 2022 Relocation of Sapporo Liaison Office
June 2024 Integrated Sapporo Liaison Office into Head Office Development Office


■By airplane or train(JR)
  • From Matsuyama Airport to JR Matsuyama Station20 minutes by bus
  • From JR Matsuyama Station to JR Iyosaijo Station1 hour by train
  • 10 minutes by car from JR Iyosaijo Station
■By car
  • From Matsuyama Airport1 hour
  • From Saijo Interchange10 minutes
For inquiries please contact us below