Inquiry and Entry Form
When making an inquiry
- Please read and agree to the “Personal Information Protection Policy” before filling out the form.
- Please make sure to enter a phone number where we can reach you (home or cell phone) in the phone number field.
- Please check your spam settings to make sure you will receive our reply email.
- Thank you for your understanding that it may take some time to reply or we may not be able to reply to you depending on the contents of inquiry.
Inquiry and Entry Form
Personal Information Protection Policy
Topsystem Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) considers the trust of users to be of utmost importance, and believes that it is an important responsibility for the Company to handle information related to individual users accurately and confidentially. To this end, we have established a “Personal Information Protection Policy” regarding the personal information of our users, and we are committed to ensuring that all employees and affiliated companies thoroughly understand how to handle personal information. The contents of this policy are as follows. In addition, personal information already held and used by the Company will be handled in accordance with this policy.
Handling of Personal Information
(1)Handling of Personal Information
We collect personal information in a lawful and fair manner. When we ask users to provide their personal information, we will disclose the purpose of collection and the details of use in advance, and collect personal information within the scope of our legitimate business and to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose.
(2)Use and Sharing of Personal Information
We will use the personal information we receive within the scope of the consent of the person who provided the personal information and within the scope of the purpose of collection. The Company will use personal information within the scope of its legitimate business activities and within the scope of the purpose of collection.
●The scope of the purpose of use
・To contact you in the course of business
・To provide information on products and services handled by the Company
・To respond to inquiries or requests from users.
・・For other purposes for which the user has been notified in advance and has given consent.
●If we need to use your personal information for any purpose other than the above, we will ask for your consent to use it, unless otherwise permitted by law.
(3)Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the user, unless there are special circumstances such as legal obligations that we must comply with according to laws and other standards that apply to personal information.
(4)Procedures for disclosure and correction of personal information
If you wish to inquire about, correct, or delete the personal information you have provided, please contact us. We will disclose, correct, or delete the user’s personal information within a reasonable period of time, except in cases where the request would significantly interfere with our business, and only after we have confirmed that the request is made by the user.
Compliance with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information
We will comply with the laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information that apply to the personal information held by us. In addition, this policy will be judged in accordance with the laws of Japan and other standards. This policy sets forth the basic policy for the handling of personal information by the Company, and the Company will strive to protect personal information in accordance with this policy and in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and norms.
Safety Management Measures for Personal Information
The Company will establish a management system and implement appropriate safety measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., and to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information. In addition to restricting the entry of outsiders into the office where personal information is handled, and conducting educational and awareness activities for all executives and staff members involved in the protection of personal information, we have appointed a manager to ensure the appropriate management of personal information.
Continuous Improvement
The Company will continuously review and improve its efforts to protect personal information in order to respond to changes in Japanese laws and regulations, handling methods, and changes in the environment.
Joint Use of Personal Information
The Company shares the use of personal information in the “Construction Site Series” ASP service for the construction industry operated by MC Data Plus, Inc. Please refer to “Joint Use of Personal Information in the Construction Site Series” for the items of personal information to be used jointly, the scope of parties to be used jointly, and the purpose of use. Please refer to “Joint Use of Personal Information in the Construction Site Series”
『Shared use of personal information in the “Construction Site Series”』
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following
【Personal Information Handling】
Topsystem Co. Ltd.
3-70 Hiuchi, Saijo, Ehime 793-0003, Japan
TEL:0897-52-1910 FAX:0897-52-1912
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